Friday, January 27, 2012

The Most Boring Blog Post You'll Ever Read in Your Life....

I'm not a very creative person, so if you're actually reading this you should probably consider stopping. Anyway, I think I'll write about my feelings on writing. Once upon a time, I was a little child and had to write my very first report!! It had to be a whole paragraph long!! I couldn't believe I was really supposed to write a WHOLE PARAGRAPH!! Anyway, I spent hours working. I just couldn't get it to sound quite right. I tried and tried and just didn't feel satisfied. I was so frustrated and couldn't figure out why. Well, then a light went on in my head and I realized something: I hate writing!! The problem wasn't that it was good; the problem was that I hated it!!! So thus it began: my hatred for writing. I learned an important lesson that day: I learned that writing is not for me, and I will never write an essay, report, short story, etc. unless it is absolutely required of me. The end.

P.S. (just as a side note, somehow I kind of enjoy this class....not gonna lie, I wasn't excited for it. I still hate writing, but this class is quite enjoyable :) good job Professor Husberg, you've made it possible to enjoy something awful! Mission accomplished)


  1. I started reading your post and stopped after the first sentence. I then came back to it because I every other post is old; hooray. I like this class too and I think we have a great teacher.

    1. Haha that's way funny. I'm glad you like the class, too.

  2. Yeah so that's why I'm an ME major... It's common practice to write in all caps and avoid punctuation altogether... Just so long as your math is right haha...

  3. I remember when a paragraph was a lot of work and a page was a nightmare... I think a lot of people have that feeling about writing. But I agree with your thoughts about the class. :)

  4. I didn't read it.

    Actually I got curious so I did. It really made me laugh. You hate writing. Interesting thing to put on a blog in which you submit posts three times a week.

    I was in my calculus class and I remember being so confused at why f(x)=y. This was so strange to me. And this was last year. I'm now in Calculus 113 learning about volumes of revolution and integration by parts and other fun stuff like that. It's always interesting to think of how fast we progress through life: spiritually, emotionally and physically. Good stuff.

  5. I'm still processing whether this was a compliment or insult. Or a backhanded compliment. Or an insult with silver lining. I'll get back to you.
